Today's blog post was supposingly to be about countdown party I had last night with my friends, but my mood have to be dampened by so much things that is happening in my life that were not given properly justiced to. It is so fucking ridiculous that my mood have to be affected by the pile of shit work i have to do for courseworks and its even ridiculous that all this will again, be a vicious cycle till i graduate from poly.........
Actually i have totally no idea why i'm working so hard where is just so hard to get into local university admission with purely good grades. Wait, not good grades, but fantastic grades. Grades that you accumulated from year one, with your tests range 80% and above. There's no sort of pure smart alex in poly who scores gpa 4.0 without much effort because you GOT to have brains as well as hardwork. It's a good blend of both in poly, which makes it both mentally and physically exhausting. A great example of what I am feeling everytime would be this analogy" You're juggling some balls on your hand, and some shit hole person decide to throw balls to make all the balls that you're juggling drop. Then you pick up all the balls to put on your hand, and you begin to juggle all of em" wtf is this.
Back to the point,
Yes, you can be the smartest in the class and you can juz score As in any of the tests, but when it comes to projects, good luck. Every Single person is significant and you have to depend on them for group work and of course YOUR GRADES. Call it joke but usually when you're smart in class/hardworking/a potential good student that can pull up the whole group grade, you're deem as the compiler from start lol. Everybody will just look at you into say " You're the compiler"
Being a compiler is ok, but it sucks when there's burdens in your team. I mean those literally just, count their toes and have too much time to spare to wash soap dramas with their mom. They'll either give you no quality work, or they'll just push back the assignment deadlines to scrap through as many days they can. I mean, how many days can you push back, whereby eventually you still have to do it? -______-
(really don't comprehend what they're thinking)
Ok. Maybe you might say that with more time, it will be sufficient to complete a quality work. I accept it with considerable amount of understanding. But the problem is, most of the time people who usually say this are those that don't give a shit care about their grades and they just, selfishly want to push the whole group down into waters with them. Why, are they so freaking selfish where there's always options out, to quit school lolllllllllllllllllll Ok, i know i'm mean but if you're not interested to study, then you should start earning money to repay for your parents that are spending for a education, instead of wasting time to spend on something that you're not interested to do well with.
But do i have a choice? No i don't. Cause i choose to be the group that wants good grade and will work hard for it......... But. i really don't know if that is what I want, what my parents wants or what the society wants. Cause, i really don't see the point of spending so much frustrations on getting good grades instead of learning how to earn alot money instead.
I'm contemplating to post this post cause i'm afraid of haters hahahaha..... but i guess i still will cause that's what I am feeling and i'm not ashamed of it cause thats the truth in every, good student in poly who wants to earn lots of money in future, but first getting good grade to secure a good knowledge, to secure a good job and then earn lots of money lol.
ok goodbye. :(