Guyaju Cave is located in Yanqing Country (80km away from Beijing)
Guyaju also plays a very important role as a site of mysterious cultural heritage of the ancients and is known as an unsolved mystery throughout the nation. Guyaju is considered the largest cliff side residence that has ever been discovered in China.
It is really amazing how they the man-made stone rooms are found along the cliff, that comes in all shapes and sizes. The largest one is a two-story room with side rooms all attached that some researchers believed that it would be the meeting hall for the owners. Majority of the rooms are equipped with stone beds, doors and cooking area. No one actually who and how they built this place.
According to the site, there are two reasonable possibilities.
1. Some people believed that this caves were made by Kumo Xi Tribe, a minority that exists more than 1,000 years ago in the Five Dynasty period.
2. Whole project built by government of Tang Dynasty to keep all the goods and supplies for the troops or accommodation for the troop.
Irregardless, I was really awed by the beautiful scenery and especially the small district of Beijing. Definitely worth a trip because you can travel to Badaling Great Wall, Three Dragon Gorge (LongQing) and Kangxi Grassland.
How to get there:
Take bus 919 express from Deshengmen Station or JinShuiJin Station and Transfer to Y40 road to the last station. Don't worry if you ever notice on the map that there's like 27 stops before you get down Guyaju stop, because there's hardly anyone staying there or get there most of the time so the bus driver will just drive through.
Admission Fee: RMB60
Opening Hours: 8am-6.30pm. Try to leave around 4.30pm so you can catch the bus in time else, really hard to get home!
Prepared my outfit of the day! Tribal top with brown pants and bag. Thank god for sunny weather and my foldable tripod stand that allows me to take photo anywhere. So hard to find tourists or local here because 1) accessibility is a problem 2) too time consuming 3) nothing to do except this cave exploring 4) super inconvenient because you've to wait really long for the bus to arrive.
But it's worth it really?!
To witness many holes LOL and enter one by one and explore. When you get into the cave, the temperature dropped significantly from 33 degrees to around 22 degrees? As it was so hot outside, I kept sneaking in for the cooling temperature.
metal railings and bar to keep it intact.
Selfie with the tripod stand! Love it how I do not need to depend anyone else for help.
Beautiful scenery outside but super warm.
Great spot for picture! There is plenty of stairs to climb the cliff area and steps to get up to the cave side.
The starting of the journey up!
Madly in love with my tripod!
The super beautiful scenery you get when you're on top :') The clouds and all just so beautiful.
Not sure if this is real? They also have a small cave with a small Buddha statue for praying for blessings.
Initially I was really feeling so lazy,
Like I have to get up at 7am in the morning to wash up, prepare breakfast to bring along and of course purchasing x2 of mineral water. Beijing weather is often dry and scorching hot (up to 38 degrees at times). To be honest the entire journey is 7 hours Beijing-Yanqing/ Yanqing-Beijing and at times I feel a little motion sickness? Like the bus can get really bumpy nearing to natural sites.
But the view and the place made it so so worth it, making my Beijing oversea internship so worth it. I'm glad that I always took the courage to ask around for direction/ busy navigating to places using their local map and being not-lazy hahaha to wake up early so that I'll get more time to explore!
I love this quote!
"Travelling. It leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller." :')
Be back for more!