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Travel and Lifestyle Blogger Travel around the world Travelling is my passion

Sunday, June 24, 2012


Was enlightened by the word of god yesterday. Pastor kelvin shared about some of his knowledge on our forces in life and our train of thoughts. He preached that our thoughts determined what kind of person we are. It's like if you're overwhelmed with negativity, your future will most likely be negative. This is because we follow our train of thoughts, to the ultimate direction that we're heading. I thought it was good that he used train as an analogy for our 'thinking for better understanding.

Then yesterday's night was certainly a night to remember. Went to Changi Village as dear and I were both famished for a good sumptuous meal. Ate the cupcake that was meant for....... and i feel a tingle guilt about it. Walked over to Changi Beach park to settle down on a sandy beach. It was truly a eye opening experience, gazing at many many stars and watching the aeroplanes as they fly by. How i wished that the moment last forever. 'Pisces are happiest on the beach' My dear loudly quoted from his book of astrology. Haha.

Dad fetched us both home and had a mega nice sleep and a catch up.

(oh btw, i think god miraculously healed my menses cramp. Was praying hard during church service yesterday and then, it was healed......completely. I was kinda surprised because usually it will last for least two days. All praise to our glory god, really.)


Hello! It's me here, celinebleh. I do post about travels and lifestyle happenings. Do drop me a comment if you have any questions. Thank you for visiting my personal space. Really happy to be able to connect with you :)




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