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Travel and Lifestyle Blogger Travel around the world Travelling is my passion

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Happy days.

Feeling so bad that i totally neglected this tiny space of mine that used to be filled with thoughts. Pardon for my lack of consistency in updating. Semester results was not too bad which i really thank god for it. Attachment is good because i really get to learn many things and put some skills accquired into good used. Window 8 development training was really interesting cause i never get to experience visual studio in total black, with codes in white. Interesting interesting.
Shifted my tution to sunday and putting my driving aside. I'm really worried that i might forget to drive but nevertheless, studies should always come as piority- to give my all for my internship for  my last semester.
There's so much things i want to achieve at the end of the year but unfortunately, time is always insufficient. Part of the clique is away for internship/camp which our group always get regular updates :) Heading to sleep........... goodnight. Promise i'll post more next round when i'm really free.

Hello! It's me here, celinebleh. I do post about travels and lifestyle happenings. Do drop me a comment if you have any questions. Thank you for visiting my personal space. Really happy to be able to connect with you :)




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